Thursday, November 20, 2008

End of the Iraqi Reconstruction

I'm feeling ambivalently happy about the proposed end to the Iraqi Reconstruction. I think that the U.S. has done a marvelous job of rebuilding the Iraqi state and put it on more democratic terms than it was during Saddam Hussein's reign.

I have been ambivalent about the war from the start, but I supported it because I believed that Saddam Hussein was a real threat to the Middle East region and Israel and to American security. I was less pleased with the reasoning behind entering Iraq, because it was over-idealistic from the start and I'm not so sure that having nuclear missile/bombs is a bad thing. Certainly, Iraq at the least had WMD's in chemical weaponry and if they didn't have nuclear weaponry they would have liked to have had such. The jury is still out in my mind as to whether Iraq ever had nuclear missiles or bombs. The dismantling of the repressive regime of Saddam Hussein rejoices my heart. W. Bush finished the job that Bush, Sr started! Iraq clearly taunted the US and in pushing the line, Saddam pushed his luck one too many times.

So, now that the official policy of the president-elect will be to leave Iraq, I am concerned lest we walk out and give Al Qaida carte blanche to continue to harass us. I don't think Iraq will actually degenerate into political chaos, although its possible that more authoritarian types take the reins of the new democratic republic. I suspect that even Obama will keep one or two U.S. bases in the region. Yet, its nice to be able to bring our troops home and say "job well done" or even just "job done". I think that we have generally succeeeded beyond our wildest dreams in establishing a democratic regime in Iraq and that they will take over and rule themselves much better than we ever expected.

It is time to begin bringing our troops back, even if it sends the wrong signal to Al Qaida that they won a battle. And trust me, folks, the War against Al Qaida is not over and the War on Terrorism (bleh to the over-idealism of war against terrorism) is far from over. Yet, Al Qaida for all their bravado have actually done very poorly against the U.S. in Iraq and as our nation directs its attentions to Pakistan and back to Afghanistan, I think the U.S. will deal ever more the victor against militant Islam.

I say that for Iraq the score is 2/3. We won the war and rebuilt the country, but stalemated in ideological propaganda. Some might say we lost the propaganda conflict, but the fact that we have rebuilt Iraq and that people still respect U.S. political might-- such that even Libya ended its nuclear program-- and that the M.E. still considers us a force to be reckoned with is implication enough to me that Al Qaida lost a lot of ground ideologically and politically, even if they weren't completely put out of commission. So, we have fared far better than might have been predicted by our own pessimistic and liberalesque mainstream media. I'm ready to end the Iraqi Reconstruction and focus our attentions elsewhere.

Iran is begging for the U.S. to deal with them, but I'm pessimistic as to the U.S. response being more than chat unless Israel is directly engaged or endangered. If that happens, I think the surprise to politico thinkers is that Obama will support Israel. (He made clear indications he would through his support of the Israel lobby in the U.S. ) I'm more optimistic that we will regain lost ground in Afghanistan, and we might restabilize Pakistan. We'll see. Watch out also for a major political disruption in Saudi Arabia. I will not speculate whether the Saudis will be ousted any time in the short, middle, or long term, but I think in the long long term, the Saudi monarchy is doomed. Their regime is at odds with its people. Only international support, state oil-welfarism, and political suspression keeps the Saudis in power. The desert wars are not over and the African power struggles of resisters to Islamic militancy still broils. Then there's the Indonesian and Pacific Rim world that few think about but has strong influence from the Islamic militancy, being part of the Islamic world. So, the U.S. has its work cut out for it.

It'll be interesting how the U.S. copes with a mild depression and military cold-hot war with militant Islam and Al Qaida, but I'm optimistic that we will pull through and God can heal and restore our nation even as the U.S. fights for more justice and freedom in the world.

Of course, the real struggle is ultimately for the hearts of men and women as the gospel of Christ's peace and reconciliation with God are shared.

So, hip hip hurray for winning the Iraqi Reconstruction... and let us not forget the struggle ahead or the ultimately really important thing of spreading God's love and truth.


Unknown said...

I think I generally agree with you here. I think we certainly still need a presence in Iraq, just like we still have a presence in Japan and Germany (now two close allies, I might add). Iraq is a strategic part of the M.E. and having bases and an ally in it will be of great help.

We'll see what Obama does. A full up withdrawal is both imprudent and impossible. Let's hope he listens to his military advisers (and that they are good) and makes plans that way.

:sigh: It will be good to have our soldiers home. I just don't want to see that lead to the undoing of all they have already fought and died for.

Paul L said...

I understand your sentiments.
What do you know of the 16 month time-table treaty passed by the Iraqi assemby before Bush left office?
