Sunday, October 3, 2010

Sunday's Grace and Being a Traveller Away from Home

17 Days left as a pilgrim in a foreign land.  A place I now think of as home.
Well, it's been an interesting Sunday and day of rest and worship.  
Got up early to do a Sunday school lesson at L&S's place Karunya Ministries.   Expecting my roomie to join me.   Seems like he stayed up all night and into the early morning dong videographing stuff.  So, off to Karunya I went alone.  Sat through the first service, and no Sunday school lesson because the older kids weren't there yet.   Second service, Latha asks me if I'm going to give a message, and I say, sure.  So, extemporaneously, when Suresh gets up and after singing, and turns over the service to me, I give a message on Mark 5 story of Jesus delivering the Gerasene man from demons.   It went well, and I was thinking I'm glad I have told this story many times, and am able to speak it from memory and give it some commentary on the side.   I am grateful God gave me wisdom and memory for this message. 
Then later, I join friends for the afternoon lunch with roomie, at Chilis.  Hadn't seen these friends in several months.  Enjoy being out with good friends!
Home again, and thinking about going to my US home, in just a little while (17 days).  Which makes me think of the great homecoming of Christians when they come home to heaven and fellowship with Jesus.   Seems like a long time aways some times, but in view of eternity, its really a short time.   Like a couple years away from one's hometown and native country.   We are all pilgrims in this land, in the long run!
The question I guess to be asked, is are we ready to come home yet?